Frequently Asked Questions

How are the cabins arranged?
Each cabin sleeps 8-9 campers staying with one counsellor and LIT. Campers are registered and organized in cabins based on their registered program, grade and lived gender. .
We recognized that many campers attend Camp with a friend they hope to share a cabin with.
Camp Summit is committed to doing the best we can to accommodate such friend requests, however, there are a few parameters which must be met:
- Campers must be within 12 months in age.
- Requests must be two-way (i.e. the request must be made by both families involved on their final forms).
- Campers must be registered for the same program and section of camp (Junior – Intermediate – Senior)
- We can only accommodate 2 requests per camper.
- We cannot make any changes to friend requests on the first day of any program under any circumstance.
is there a way we could come for a tour of camp?
Yes of course! We actually highly encourage our new to Summit campers to come and visit Camp before arriving on their first day. We would be happy to host you and your family for a tour of the Camp Summit site. As well, we host a New Family Orientation each Spring where we invite all of our new to Summit families for a fun morning at Camp!
my camper is worried about missing home…
Missing home is a very normal and natural reaction to being away from the comfort and routines of home life; missing home can be felt by campers of any age and with any experience of being away from home. It is important to talk to your child about missing home. Let them know that it is a normal feeling that will pass and that you have confidence that despite missing home they will have an incredible experience at camp. Don’t be afraid to raise questions of homesickness – talking about it in a positive and proactive manner will help prepare them in case they experience it.
My Camper still wets the bed, can they come to Camp?
It is our belief that Bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis) should not be a reason a child cannot come to Camp. We understand the hesitation and concerns campers and their families may have about managing bedwetting at Camp, as such our staff have been trained to handle this as discreetly as possible for Campers to maximize their comfort at Camp. Here are some things to keep in mind…
- Our Camp Mattresses are made out of thick vinyl which allows for quick and easy cleanup of any mess.
- Summit is equipped with onsite laundry facilities that allows for soiled items (clothes, sleeping bags) to be cleaned right away.
- Our Health Centre can store and distribute medication as necessary if your child takes medication to manage nocturnal enuresis.
The Health Centre is also able to store any overnight pull-ups that a camper would prefer to not keep with them in the cabin. In these cases, campers will also have access to the private washroom attached to the HC to change discreetly in both the morning and evening.
how do you manage health and safety?
Camp Summit has a fully functional Health Centre on-site. The Health Centre is where campers can go to take their daily medications, receive first aid for small injuries and chat with our Medical Attendant about any health concerns they may have. There is a 24-hour Medical Attendant on-site that oversees the Health Centre and all ongoing health matters at camp. Hospitals and clinics are located within a 25 minute drive into Squamish. For any major first aid emergency or if the Medical Attendant believes that a camper should see a doctor we will take them in and contact the family immediately.
my child is allergic to nuts – can they still attend?
Camp Summit is a ‘nut aware’ facility. Each year, a number of campers and staff members attend camp who have life-threatening nut allergies. In no way do we want to compromise their personal safety during their stay at Camp. Our menus are created with this in mind as our kitchen does not use or actively serve food with nuts. We ask that parents do not send any personal food items with their children that contain nuts in any form. This includes any supplemental food to accommodate extensive dietary restrictions or allergies. Any food containing nuts, nut products, or which may contain traces of nuts will be disposed of and not returned or replaced.
Campers with anaphylactic allergies must bring two appropriately-dosed EpiPens/Allerject auto-injectors with them to camp (one stored in HC and one on the camper at all times) The Camp Summit site is also equipped with Emergency EpiPens at various locations as back up devices that all staff are trained to use.
what happens if my child is celebrating their birthday while at camp?
We are delighted to provide a treat if a camper is celebrating a birthday while at Camp… we may sing a couple of songs to help celebrate a special birthday too! Camp Summit will arrange for a birthday treat for your child should their special day happen while they are at camp. It is not necessary to send a treat. If your child has a birthday at camp, you are welcome to leave a special package or card at the office to be delivered to their cabin on their special day.

What do we pack for camp?
Camp Summit clothing lists are available on the Packing Lists & Forms page. Clothing lists are specific to each of our camp programs – so please make sure that you have the correct list for the camp that your child will be attending. It is important that you make sure to pack all of the appropriate clothing and gear for your child’s session at camp. The items we have listed on the clothing & gear lists are necessary for the health, safety and enjoyment of the camp experience for your child.
can my camper call home?
Phone calls during camp can undermine a camper’s independence by breaking the continuity required for that independence. While at camp, your child will be engaged in outdoor activities and will be quite busy with their camp adventures. With this in mind, we ask that parents do not call Camp Summit expecting to talk to their child. We also ask that you do not tell your child that they can call home or encourage your child to call home while they are at camp. It is our experience that phone contact between parents and children can make the feeling of missing home worse and can take away from their camp experience.
It is our policy to contact families if there are any concerns or emergencies. In the case of a family emergency, we will make arrangements to pull your child from their session for a scheduled phone call.
can my child bring their cell phone?
First and foremost, we view time at Camp as the ideal opportunity for children to disconnect from technology, especially the internet and social media (and the pressures and expectations that come along with that).
Due to our site’s location in the Squamish Valley cell phones do not pick up cellular reception. Thus, cell phones that campers may mistakenly bring with them to camp will be collected for their safety and security. Cell phones will be stored in the Camp Summit Office for the duration of their stay at camp. Campers will have their cell phones returned to them on departure days only.

my camper is feeling anxious about camp – how can i support them?
The key to helping you and your child get over pre-camp nerves is to acknowledge their feelings and give them tools to help them tame them. Things to consider as you get ready for camp…
- Avoid using language that could be creating anxiety for your child. Instead of asking leading questions like, “Are you nervous about going away to camp?” ask open-ending questions like, “How are you feeling about going to camp?”
- Stay positive and upbeat during conversations about camp but don’t overdo it by trivializing their concerns or offering glib reassurances. “There’s nothing to worry about!” or “Everyone loves camp!” may actually discourage your child to share their worries or fears with you. Instead, show that you have empathy and acknowledge their concerns.
- Help your child formulate realistic, goal-oriented plans for making friends or toasting the perfect marshmallow or reaching the top of the climbing wall. The thrill of completing these plans can give your child a feeling of success and take their mind off their anxiety.
- Focus on concrete details in conversations leading up to summer camp. Avoid abstract issues like what it it’s like to be away from home in favor of cabin details, meals in the lodge, or campfire rituals.
- Reflect on your own formative experiences away from home and share positive aspects of them with your child. Show that you are willing to talk about the new things they’ll be doing, whether it’s eating new food, sleeping in a bunkbed, getting along with cabin-mates, or coexisting with insects.
- Try not to over-communicate your own anxiety or nervousness about having your child away at camp. What you want to share is your confidence in your child and the summer experience they are going to have while they are away
- Don’t avoid discussing camp in an effort to avoid further anxiety! Anxious energy towards camp is a very normal and natural reaction to being away from the comfort and routines of home life and can be felt by campers of any age and with any experience of being away from home.